Our Mountains 2023 in Pictures

IN Hiking blog , mountains , New Year Blog , News

As the lights on the Christmas tree are twinkling, the snow is glistening from the mountain peaks, and we are eagerly glancing at the sky not to miss the first snowflakes, our hearts fill with love and expectations. Heart-warming childhood memories rush back and we dream of the moments that we could be as free as when we were kids. Many of us have found freedom in the mountains, many in the forest near home, and many in dancing, gardening, traveling and more. Regardless of how busy our lives may be, it’s absolutely essential to keep on searching for those moments of freedom. 

Our dear co-adventurers, who like ourselves look for those moments in the mountains, here is a selection of the best pictures from Exploring Slovenia’s hiking and climbing tours in 2023. Enjoy and hopefully we’ll see each other again on the trail!

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Exploring Slovenia in 2021 in pictures

IN Hiking blog , News

The freshly fallen snow has sprinkled the landscape white overnight and I’m warm in our cozy house on a brink of a forest thinking back of the past year. Truth to be told, I have mixed emotions about 2021. Like it or not, Covid has turned our lives upside down and changed our “normality” into a crippled shadow of the past. The world at the moment can feel beyond real… I just spent three days convincing my parents we can do Christmas celebrations in person after a negative rapid test… and I’m sure many of you can relate. The odd times call for regular trips outdoor to vent the daily stress by the serenity and tranquility of the nature. To this extent, I’m thankful for all adventures – big and small – we’ve shared on the trail so far. They’ve been priceless. Thank you for that! 

It has been an immense pleasure to be guiding every single one of you to the mountains; to hit the dusty or snowy trail, sweat and curse the steep slopes together, climb spectacular peaks, relax at lakes, run from massive thunderstorms, marvel at mind-blowing sunrises and sunsets, and cheer in the huts with even more like-minded adventurers. Together we made the almost impossible in this more and more virtual world possible… we felt completely alive and happy! Thank you again guys for coming on our tours and helping create this awesome energy! You are the best!

Let’s see our Slovenia mountain adventures in pictures…

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Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all of You

IN Hiking blog , News

It’s that time of year again! We are all cheering, laughing, dancing, spending time with our loved ones, cooking, baking, and making our lives a little brighter at least for a few moments. I’m sure we’ve all seen better years or at least calmer and less stressful ones, and to be honest, more joyful years, too. I’m also sure that our biggest wish this year was to return things back to normal. Funny, right? For all those wishes we usually have and the little things that bother us and wish to change, once faced with a real situation with lockdowns and social contact restrictions, normality seems like heaven. Oh, the beautiful times when I shipped the kids to school and got those 7-8 hours for calm work! Oh to all those lunches and dinners that we spent at my parents’ (without having to cook or clean afterwards!)! Oh to all crazy get-togethers with my friends! Oh to all hikes, climbs and time I spent in the real mountains!! Life is not quite the same without all that, right?!

That’s why my greatest wish this year for all of us is to appreciate and enjoy life and enjoy the little things that we still have and can’t be taken away that easily. While I keep my fingers crossed that in the months ahead things will get back to normal, I also wish that we’ve all realized what’s really important in life, what’s worth fighting for, and what’s worth keeping regardless of the restrictions. To appreciate the little things that breathe meaning into our lives. Have a great Christmas, happy holidays and an awesome New Year, and make sure you spend the special moments the way you want to! 

Here are a few highlights of my 2020…

Jalovec and the Ponce Mountains from Cipernik
Bled and the snowy Karawanks for a crazy sunset
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