“In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks. For going out… is really going in.” – John Muir

For the past three years I’ve endlessly enjoyed sharing my mountain adventures with you. I love connecting and chatting with you, my dear readers, through my Blog, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter pages, telling you my stories, and receiving feedback. I genuinely do! And the respect is mutual. I often scroll through your mountaineering adventures for my own inspiration! Therefore, I just wanted to say a big thank you for being a part of Exploring Slovenia community! We are a group of like-minded outdoor enthusiasts simply in love with the mountains and nature.
This is why I’m proud to announce a completely remodeled website where you’ll find ideas for amazing hiking and climbing trips in the Slovenian Alps. You’ll be also able to book trips and join us on our next heart-pounding adventure!

The first glimpse of the remodeled Exploring Slovenia website might be a bit overwhelming with as many as thirty-seven hiking and climbing tours already listed in various categories like Multi-Day Treks, Day Intro Hikes, Alpine via Ferratas, Intro Alpine Climbs, and more. To put it simply, I’m making sure there’s a little bit for everyone. You’ll find the tour difficulty level will span from easy and appropriate for young families, pleasurable hiking in an almost surreal Alpine world, to hardcore climbing reserved only for good Alpine climbers. What all tours have in common, however, is stunning beauty and challenging uniqueness that will leave you impressed as a truly memorable experience.
Enjoy the new Exploring Slovenia website and enjoy the tours as much as I have. And let’s meet on the trail, moving our funtimes together into the mountains, right?! Cheers!

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Looking for a gorgeous tour in the mountains? Exploring Slovenia offers guided hiking and climbing tours!